Pinterest Holiday



December 1, 2018

Art Director: Jacqueline Norheim Designers: Emma Linh Photographer: Michelle Min Stylist: Janis Bakken Copywriter: Felicia Baskin, Amanda Mercer


Pinterest Business’s holiday campaign is typically one of their biggest lead-generating programs. To up the ante, the team aspired to launch (Christmas) in July and craft a more personalized approach.


We were challenged with creating a flexible system that can extend to multiple holidays throughout the campaign—Halloween, Black Friday, etc. I facilitated workshops to get fresh ideas, and through our conversations, we realized the need for a look and feel that is inclusive and human.

Infographic about the Holiday Festive Four, personas for advertisers to consider during the holidays
4 pins promoting how to reach different personas


We landed on a visual identity with a color palette and icon system that felt festive, fun, and with an element of the hand. To push the personality and authenticity, I pitched a photoshoot concept. It immediately got buy-in and despite some pivoting, turned out to be a successful stop-motion advertising campaign with the help of our talented team.


The blog series was picked up multiple times by Adweek, and the overall campaign hit metrics by 200%+ in several categories.

GIF of trending tech goods on Pinterest
GIF of trending home goods on Pinterest